понеделник, 17 януари 2011 г.

Day 4: Silistra - We did it!

The final leg completed today. Almost 13 hours of paddling and we reached our destination, km 375, the last mark of the Bulgarian section of the Danube. After this we had to drive 4 hours in a dense fog, which turned even more challenging and exhaustive.

неделя, 16 януари 2011 г.

Day 3: Rousse

The third leg now completed. 100 km today, it took us only 10 hours and something. We are getting better day after day - or it was just colder today so we had to paddle harder.

събота, 15 януари 2011 г.

Day 2: Progressing according to schedule

Today we reached Nikopol, after two days of heavy paddling and 195 km. The weather was perfect, daytime temperatures above zero. We feel tired, but we think we will make it if there are no accidents or too severe weather. The hardest thing - paddling early in the morning and in the evening, but otherwise we will not be able to make it as scheduled - the day is just too short at this time of the year. But for now we do not have more than two hours of complete darkness, which is acceptable. Our average speed is about 9 kmph, which is not bad given the heavy boat we are using (Prijon Excursion). In order to reach this average speed, however, we did not make any stops today. The forecast for tomorrow: strong NW winds and rain. Not good, but still better than fog and freezing temperatures. Will keep you posted :)

четвъртък, 13 януари 2011 г.

сряда, 12 януари 2011 г.

Day -1: schedule confirmed

We have now confirmed the schedule. We travel to Vidin tomorrow evening and start the first leg (Day 1) early in the morning on Friday, 14 January. We hope to reach Kozloduy at about 7 pm on Friday. The forecast is good, hope there will be no fog.

Thanks to our supporters

Благодарим на тези, които вече подкрепиха каузата ни :)
Thanks to those who have already supported our cause :)

Innimmo Advisers - основен партньор

dir.bg - медиен партньор

 GEF Small Grants Programme

Our foggiest kayaking day in 2010 (pictures)

50 km down the Danube, minus 14 C, dense fog - what a pleasant day for a paddle :)

the countdown has started

The forecast: NW breeze, temperatures around zero, NO FOG! It looks like this weekend will provide us the window to make the attempt :)


Alexander Pazderski and Borislav Naidenov from Go Wild | The Natural Adventure will make an attempt to paddle the Bulgarian section of the Danube from Vidin to Silistra (416 km) for 4 days in end-January 2011.

The main reason behind this attempt is to raise awareness (and money) about 4 endangered bird species in the region - pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus), ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), and Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

This is something that only a few have achieved during summer, and - to our knowledge - nobody has done it during winter with average temperatures below 0 (C), gusting northeasternlies, limited visibility due to fog and snow, and flowing ice. For comparison, the participants in Tour International Danubien, one of the toughest river regattas in the world, paddle this section for 12 days (during the summer season).

We are planning this expedition for the following reasons:
1. To support Rekichka, an NGO focused on biodiversity protection and responsible tourism promotion in the Yantra/Danube region. We will contribute a great part of the donations to Rekichka in order to co-finance their project “Preservation of the Biodiversity in the Lower Yantra and Danube River Region”, supported by the Global Envrionment Facility.
2. To bring attention to the threats facing the endangered bird species in the region.
3. To promote water sports tourism and kayaking in particular.
4. To test our endurance and have fun paddling on this beautiful river.

Александър Паздерски и Борислав Найденов от Go Wild | The Natural Adventure ще направят опит да реализират рекордно скоростно спускане с каяк по р. Дунав от Видин до Силистра за 4 дни в края на януари 2011 г.

Този преход нямо да е самоцелен - с него искаме да алармираме обществото за рисковете пред 4 световнозастрашени птичи вида, обитаващи региона, а именно малък корморан, къдроглав пеликан, белоока потапница и морски орел.

Това е постижение, което само няколко човека са успели да направят през лятото и нито един през зимата. За сравнение, международната гребна регата ТИД изминава същия участък за 12 дни през август.

Значителна част от средствата, набрани в рамките на инициативата ще бъдат използвани от Сдружение "Рекичка" за реализирането на проекта им "Опазване на глобално значимо биоразнообразие по долното течение на река Янтра и Дунав", осъществяван в патньорство с Българско дружество за защита на птиците (БДЗП) и финансиран от Програма за малки проекти на Глобалния екологичен фонд.